With 2023 coming to an end we felt it was a great time to look back and reflect on all we’ve accomplished this year and all the stories we’ve told. 

So let’s recap on some of our favourite moments of 2023.

We moved to a new office in the NSC Campus in Mahon. This new office has given us easy access to all of our clients and it has allowed us to work more collaboratively. 

2 new members joined the Narration family. Alona Dekhtiarenko joined as Videographer and Sharan Shaju as Graphic Designer. The addition of these skill sets to the team has allowed us to grow and expand our client offerings.

We gained 12 new clients in an array of industries including hospitality, non-profit, and research.

This year we have been involved in so many creative projects that it is hard to choose our highlights but here are a few….

Our work took us across the water to work with the Brittle Bone Society at their Annual Family Conference in Hinkley, UK. We provided our content creation services along with digital interaction on the day during the conference and in the Cool Bones Session for 10-16-year-olds.

As well as the UK trip we also supported the Brittle Bone Society at their Mini Conference in Athlone back in February.

                                   Sharan, Stephen and Alona at the Brittle Bones Society Conference

We attended the Cork Chamber Digital Marketing Awards and our client Calnan Group won ‘’Best Transformation – Traditional to Digital’’. Calnan Group has been a client of Narration since January 2023, and since then we have been working with them on content creation, branding and assisting with a new website that will be launched in 2024.

We were delighted to see them win the award on the night and it was a very special moment for Jerry Calnan who founded the business 50 years ago. His speech on the night got a great reaction from the crowd, and for many it was the highlight of the night.

                          The Narration and Calnan Group teams at the Cork Chamber Digital Marketing Awards.

At Narration we like to work with organisations who are making a difference. This year we worked with some of these organisations to help share their stories. These included Diabetes Ireland and Eur-Up-Ian.We provided marketing support to Eur-Up-Ian, a campaign set up by Ian O’Brien who scaled 28 peaks in 28 days to raise awareness for Early Onset Parkinson’s Disease.

We were delighted to work with Diabetes Ireland on their latest diabetes campaign, we created a video series of personal stories with the goal of increasing awareness of diabetes. 

And to mark Narration turning 5 this year we decided to give back to the local community by creating a fun video for St. Columbus NS to help promote their open day, the video featured Deano, a labrador retriever who was trained as a community dog by the Irish Guide Dogs.

What a year it has been! 2023 has been the busiest and most successful year at Narration and we have loved every minute of it. We appreciate all our clients who have trusted us with their marketing and events in 2023 and we are looking forward to working with them again in the new year and into the future. 


Rachel Cunningham

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